This Gift Consists of:
1. High quality gift basket, Swiss Made FSC certified
2. Taralli Tradizione, 200g
3. Carciofini grigliati, 300g
4. Two Amaretti del Casato Limoncello
5. Pitted manzanilla olives, in a jar 198g
6. Handmade Amaretti Classici Mandorle, Marabissi, 190g
7. Dried flowers bouquet, green / yellow
Celebrate the beauty and bounty of summer with this gift basket. The Provence gift basket includes fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, plus organic honey, herbs and spices – all the ingredients to create a bountiful feast!
This Gift Consists of:
1. High quality gift basket, Swiss Made FSC certified
2. Taralli Tradizione, 200g
3. Carciofini grigliati, 300g
4. Two Amaretti del Casato Limoncello
5. Pitted manzanilla olives, in a jar 198g
6. Handmade Amaretti Classici Mandorle, Marabissi, 190g
7. Dried flowers bouquet, green / yellow