The gift consists of:
•White Asiatic Lilies
•Yellow Roses
•Blue Delphinium
•Blue Delphinium
•Glass Vase
Bask in the warmth of this delightful bouquet, sure to brighten any space and bring smiles all around. Our arrangement expertly combines the elegance of white Asiatic lilies with the sunny charm of yellow roses, creating a striking balance of purity and joy. The deep blue hues of the delphiniums add a touch of tranquility, making the bouquet even more enchanting. Each flower is chosen for its brilliance and vitality, ensuring a gift that lasts in both beauty and memory. Perfect for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just to say 'I'm thinking of you.' Your loved ones won't forget the thoughtful gesture accompanied by this vibrant arrangement. Delivered in a carefully packed box to preserve its freshness and allure, this bouquet comes complete with an elegant glass vase, ready to showcase its full brilliance. Turn any ordinary day into a special occasion with flowers that speak volumes.