This Gift Consists of:
Bouquet consisting of 5 red carnations, 5 hot pink carnations, 3 red spray roses, 3 vintage roses, 3 limonium, 2 oak leaves
Our Carnation & Roses bouquet makes for a truly memorable gift, whatever the occasion. Made up of two of the most infamous blooms, this classic design is loaded with romantic charm and hot pink carnations alluding to passion, adoration and love from afar, sitting alongside vintage roses expressing timeless emotions that never fade, along with hints of limonium and oak leaves - finished off with swirls of baby's breath to signify your boundless devotion.
This Gift Consists of:
Bouquet consisting of 5 red carnations, 5 hot pink carnations, 3 red spray roses, 3 vintage roses, 3 limonium, 2 oak leaves