1.Farmhouse Chocolate Chip Biscuits 200G
2.Basilur Ceylon Black Tea Pryamid Collection (2Gx50)
3.BakerS Oven Teddy Chef Cookies 220G
4.Farmhouse Stem Ginger Biscuits 150G
5.Grandma WildS Butterscotch Biscuits 150G
6.Grandma WildS Festive Gingerbread Biscuits 175G
7.Wilkin & Sons Tiptree Strawberry Jam 42G
8.Wilkin & Sons Tiptree Raspberry Jam 42G
9.Matthew Walker Christmas Pudding 100G
10. James White Carrot & Apple Organic Juice 250Ml
11. Christmas Decoration And Wrapping Service
12. Christmas Gift Box
Hello, I am Harold Dwight Garner. I am excited to share with you about the benefits of farmhouse chocolate chip biscuits, basilur ceylon black tea, pyramid collection (2gx50), baker ourts oven teddy chef cookies 220g, farmhouse stem ginger biscuits 150g, grandma wild ourts butterscotch biscuits 150g, grandma wild ourts festive gingerbread biscuits 175g , willin & sons tiptree strawberry jam 42g, willin & sons tiptree raspberry jam 42g , matthew walker Christmas pudding 100g , james white carrot & apple organic juice 250ml
This Gift Consists Of:
1.Farmhouse Chocolate Chip Biscuits 200G
2.Basilur Ceylon Black Tea Pryamid Collection (2Gx50)
3.BakerS Oven Teddy Chef Cookies 220G
4.Farmhouse Stem Ginger Biscuits 150G
5.Grandma WildS Butterscotch Biscuits 150G
6.Grandma WildS Festive Gingerbread Biscuits 175G
7.Wilkin & Sons Tiptree Strawberry Jam 42G
8.Wilkin & Sons Tiptree Raspberry Jam 42G
9.Matthew Walker Christmas Pudding 100G
10. James White Carrot & Apple Organic Juice 250Ml
11. Christmas Decoration And Wrapping Service
12. Christmas Gift Box